Main Room

When you enter the space you are downstairs, we have a few loveseats for sitting and shooting, a wardrobe rack for client items and clothing steamer.

The main room of indulgent studios is rectangle in shape and about 400 sq ft part of it painted white while the rest is a navy/dark royal blue. There is one half window off to the side of the room that will have black out curtain. This space is left a bit more open and is more a traditonal photo studio set up.

Studio Set up:

open room: with 3x roller paper back drop on the back wall and there is also a wire to hang fabric backdrops or curtains which we have several colors and styles of backdrops, fabric, or curtains. There is also a wire curtain for fabric backdrops or curtains which we have several colors and styles of backdrops, fabric, or curtains.


1x 300 watt strobe with soft box, 3x LED lights that go through full color spectrum warm/cool white light. In studio reflector holder (in studio reflector available if needed).

Add on to your booking:

The main room is also has a “fine art bar” under the stairs that can be set up on request it is used for photoshoots, events and other productions.

*Access to the “Emerald room” which is full of shelves that have extra props, fabrics, and other items that can be used during your rental. Also can be used as full “Dressing room space or green room” for clients.

**Dance pole can be added to booking and events must sign liability wavier